Your dog will need lots of attention for the first few months of their life and simply cant be left alone for the whole day. If possible, take a vacation day on Monday. A three month old puppy may be able to hold their bladder for up to three hours. But we dont want him using the house as a toilet, 1) we need him to stop being comfortable using the play pen area for toilets during the night and instead get into the mindwtbthat he needs to go outside just like he does during the day 2) we were planning to gradually ween him into being alone whilst we both work full time (I work just down the road and had agreed 3 weeks working from home to build up time away from him but with Covid isolation we are in the house ALL day long and we are really concerned this will make the eventual return to work far more difficult for our Ralph, especially if we cant him with puppy pads in his pen for 2/3 hours at a time because he will try to eat them due to separation anxiety). how to take care of your dog while at work. Click here for our. Well, you could, theoretically, but I dont recommend it. Over time you can decrease this area until they are only going in one spot. assumes no responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of whats written on this site. He has a small bladder capacity and may urinate wherever he happens to be. But you must have a great plan in place before your puppy arrives home. It isnt always ideal, but if your workplace is amenable and your scheduling is good, then combining a home based job and a puppy can be wonderful. Although the advice we give in the course applies to all puppy parents, this should all be easiest to follow if you are in close contact with your puppy. Your email address will not be published. You cant get him on a Monday night, then just leave him alone on the next day. If youre wondering how to take care of your dog while at work, one of your primary thoughts will be how to ensure that your dog has appropriate access to food and water throughout the day. Even better, play a video of you or family members on a loop. Soft blankets and a high-quality dog bed are also a good purchase and will help your dog to enjoy their space and perhaps even encourage them to sleep while youre out of the house. Playpens are just as secure as crates but much bigger, while still having something of a den feel that our canine companions love so much. Youre probably coming to the understanding that its very difficult to raise a dog on your own. Some people find that. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Work out a schedule where some days the neighbors dog stays at your house while other days you take your dog to the neighbors house. Chew toys and puzzle feeders are great options. Youll find that you look forward to some relaxing time at home with your dog when you can finally enjoy spending quality time together again. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Countless chewing toys: Dogs developed a real addiction with this type of toys. Consider hiring a dog walker, sitter, or using a doggie daycare service. Crate Training. We recommend a stuffed frozen Kong to keep a pup occupied for a while. If you dont completely remove the odor your puppy will be tempted to potty in the same spot again and again You just need to have the right structures in place. Guide to Raising a Puppy When You Work Full Time. They certainly shouldnt be left in there for more than 4 hours at a time even when they are trained. Its also likely that these hours will not be focussed on potty training. ? by simply bringing your dog or puppy along with you. When it comes to training, again consistency is key. While some dogs can safely last seven or eight hours without needing a potty break, this may not be a realistic expectation every day. Your dogs will benefit from having a friend to play with during the day, and you and your neighbor can have the peace of mind in knowing that youre not alone in your situation. You may be able to come home at lunchtime to ease the burden if you work nearby. Its common that if your puppy is left alone all day, hell wet his bed. Try leaving a white noise machine playing while youre gone to block out sounds from outside that could bother your pup. Yes, training works great for tiring out your puppy. You can make the room as puppy friendly as possible, with comfortable beds, blankets, chew toys, water and puppy pads. Deciding to leave your dog at home alone involves a similar series of steps to moving your dog to a new house. That way, they aren't as likely to have an accident. If you can, come home during your lunch break or ask a friend or neighbor to let your puppy outside while you are at work. Schedule regular vet checkups as a part of your dogs preventative care and take measures to keep their teeth healthy. Make a Lick or Snuffle Mat Difficulty: Easy-moderate It may make more sense to confine your dog to the backyard while youre at work so you dont have to worry about coming home to accidents on your floor. Exactly how much and how often you train is up to you: the most important thing is that you keep it consistent. amzn_assoc_linkid = "5e285bfc948d88b2dbe124c6c663a36a"; If you do this right, you can still have a great bond with a dog, even if you work full time. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; At this point, you can either arrange for a dog sitter, doggy day care or for a helpful neighbor to drop in duringthe mid-morning, at lunchtime and in the mid-afternoon. Get the Set Up Right. 4. This is, of course, another enormous commitment and not one to be taken lightly, however, the rewards of friendship, fun, and companionship for your dog throughout the day can be enormous. , try to set up a reciprocal playdate arrangement if your dogs get along well together. Put yourself in your puppys shoes. Although it wont always be easy, raising a puppy when you work full time is not an impossible dream. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Puppies are full of energy and being locked up can led to behavior or psychological problems. Dog sitters or dog walkers Just like with human children, puppies are prone to little accidents when theyre very young. Get Pippa's free dog training tips delivered to your inbox. You can spare 5 to 10 minutes of your time just to carry, play, or even cuddle with your puppy. Start by covering most of the floor that the puppy has access to with puppy pads. Training new puppies is also a great way to reinforce your dogs routine and will keep them from getting bored and experiencing separation anxiety. Have your neighbors keep an eye on your dog. Feed Your Dog the Right Portions of Food amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Your dogs nails should regularly be trimmed, and fur should be groomed regularly so they look and feel their best. Imagine being at work, chatting to your dog on a video camera, asking them to sit, and then clicking a button to release a treat when they do the right thing. Any advice you may have is welcome! If necessary, buy a 2. and that many dogs especially puppies simply arent suited to lying around indoors all day. Next, make sure that theyre equipped with the accessories they need to enjoy their own company and solitude while theyre alone. And he wont react well if you leave him with no one to play or keep him company. Human voices playing in the background are comforting for dogs. WebTreat cams (Petzi, Pawbo, Petcube, Furbo, etc.) Consider installing a magnetic or electronic doggy-door to give your dog the option of spending time indoors or outdoors during the day. Her work has been featured in New York Magazine and on the Dog Save the People podcast. How to Raise a Puppy if You Work Full Time. If youve got your heart set on rescuing or purchasing a new dog or puppy but youre worried about your work commitments, read on for 22 ways to take care of a dog or puppy while youre working. When To Stop Soaking Puppy Food (When, Why, How). She also trained all the dogs in the movie "Heart of a Dog" by Laurie Anderson that features Elisabeth's journey with Laurie Anderson's and Lou Reed's dog Lolabelle and how her passion for playing the keyboards played a significant role in improving her quality of life after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Try to cut yourself a little slack and remember that in the right environment dogs are perfectly happy to spend some time alone during the day. Check regularly for loose bit to make sure they dont represent a choking hazard. Well, you could, theoretically, but I dont recommend it. If you dont completely remove the odor your puppy will be tempted to potty in the same spot again and again is to consider adopting another dog to keep your dog company. If you have any trusted friends or family members who own dogs or are good 2. She also trained all the dogs in the movie "Heart of a Dog" by Laurie Anderson that features Elisabeth's journey with Laurie Anderson's and Lou Reed's dog Lolabelle and how her passion for playing the keyboards played a significant role in improving her quality of life after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Someone will need to visit the house every 2 hours to let them out for a pee, and to have a play. One of the main problems of leaving dog home alone while at work is that your imagination may well run wild as you think of all the things your dog could be up to while youre away. In both situations, its vitally important to ensure that your dog feels safe and comfortable. An older relative, for example, may be happy to have the companionship during the day, especially if they know its saving you from, If youre lucky enough to have a neighbor also struggling with. Dogs shouldn't really be kept inside for more than eight hours a day, and some can't be in alone for that long. To make matters worse he has started destroying the puppy pads and trying to eat them so we cant leave these on the floor of the pen for fear of him eating them and getting very unwell so the exposed kitchen floor floor is now the toilet. 1. But if youre contemplating rescuing a dog and youre wondering, Should I get a dog if I work all day?, one of the best things you can do is to do your research on different dog breeds and choose a dog who is most likely to react well to being left alone for most of the day while youre at work. Once they get to the 3 to 6-month-old stage, your pup should be more or less settled into their new life at your home and will require less frequent toileting. When you are home, take the pads up temporarily and give your full attention to potty training. Its imperative that you spend lots of time with your puppy when you first bring them home to ensure that you properly bond and that they feel comfortable in their new home. Make sure that you buy a pen big enough for your dog to stand up and walk around in. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; When you first bring your dog home, you should try to take leave from work for a week as you settle your puppy into your home and get to know your new canine companion. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Step 2 Confine your pet companion to a small, puppy-proof room, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Daycare rates vary, but average around 25 to 35 US dollars per day. Some people find that leaving dog in bathroom while at work is a better solution from your dogs point of view, even though it may seem like a dog would be happier with more room to move. That's not really ideal, especially if they're 8-10 weeks old. Good luck with your puppy. 2. Of course, it can be challenging and you will need to be committed to make other sacrifices and compromises for your new pup but it definitely can be done. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. Getting a puppy should not be a hasty decision no matter whether youre working full time or not. Your puppy needs time to get used to this new person, who is taking care of him and the house. 13. amzn_assoc_title = "Nifty Puzzles and Popular Treats"; If youre wondering what to do with a dog while at work to keep them entertained, you could look into the range of automated toys available for dogs. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; If you choose a dog sitter or walker, you should have someone take your puppy out at least twice during your work day. Hopefully that helps. Dogs shouldn't really be kept inside for more than eight hours a day, and some can't be in alone for that long. Doggy day care isnt only good for brand new puppies: some owners who work full time also choose it if their dog suffers from separation anxiety, regardless of how old they are. Certain dog breeds tend to require more human interaction than others, making them more likely to deal with separation anxiety when left alone during the day. Well, you can you can purchase or make a puppy pen where you can keep the puppy safe and away from valuable and breakable objects. Just remember that puppies left alone for long hours will howl, cry and disturb your neighbor. amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; Tip #1: Leave Your Dog Home Alone. Please be aware this page contains affiliate links and LabradorTrainingHQ receives a small commission if you make any purchases through any such links. Some people have very supportive families who live nearby who can pop in a few times over the work day and make sure that your pup is doing well. Guide to Raising a Puppy When You Work Full Time. Some treat-dispensing units can be set up to release treats at certain times, while others need to be activated by you. Separation anxiety is a common problem with dogs left home alone and has the following symptoms: Aside from potentially wrecking your home, a puppy suffering from separation anxiety can cause problems with your neighbors as well! Have your neighbors keep an eye on your dog. is ensuring that your puppy is receiving all the mental stimulation they need to grow into intelligent, secure adult dogs. At this point, you should be able to do away with the puppy pads and just have someone drop in once or twice during the day. The best way to ensure that youre raising a healthy and happy puppy is to get them into a set routine. Then, give the puppy their water bowl as soon as you come home. Be sure to take your puppy out for a walk first thing in the morning, when you get home from work, and at least once more before bedtime. WebStep 1 Feed your puppy and take him outside before going to work. Share your story in our comment section. Introduce your dog to the crate by leaving the door open and putting their favorite toy or a treat at the entrance to the crate. Leave the Room. TIP OF THE DAY: If your puppy has an accident in the crate, on the carpet, or anywhere in the house make sure you use an enzymatic cleaner like Rocco & Roxie Stain and Odor Eliminator. Once your puppy is spending significant periods of time in the crate with the door closed while youre at home, you can start trialing the crate training when youre out of the house. Dogs are clever animals and most Lab puppies will quickly ease into a new routine that they can predict and perform for. Regular toilet visits and meals are a must when they are little. Good Things Happen in the Crate. Do your research before you start looking at rescue dogs so you can keep some objectivity during your search. You shouldnt crate a dog for more than four hours at a time. Highly intelligent breeds can put their paws to work solving puzzles to find and release hidden treats. LOVE DOGS? If you work outdoors, work in a family-friendly environment, or spend a lot of time driving your own car as part of your employment, you may be able to answer the question, , What should I do with my puppy when I go to work. If properly trained, dogs will enjoy spending time in their crates and wont go to the toilet while theyre in them. You can also puppy proof a room and use puppy pads to take care of the mess. 4. Put puppy pads at one end, and their open crate at the other for when theyre tired. About Us - Advertise with Us - Contact Us - Meet Our Team - Privacy policy. Sometimes your job will be more than just a 9-to-5 commitment. If youve got your heart set on rescuing or purchasing a new dog or puppy but youre worried about your work commitments, read on for 22 ways to take care of a dog or puppy while youre working. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Remember how much fun you had welcoming your new puppy when they first joined your little family? Before sending your dog to a boarding kennel for the first time, read these 6 key points to consider for overnight care. Those two weeks make a difference to a puppys bladder control, but youd still expect a pee break every 2 hours if not less. If you have a good relationship with a neighbor, ask them to let your 3. Not good. He has a small bladder capacity and may urinate wherever he happens to be. Make sure that theres nothing in there that you mind losing to a teething puppy! amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Most cities and large towns will also have a supply of professional dog walkers, who will come and pick up your puppy during the day and take them out with the other dogs in their retinue for a long walk to stretch their legs while youre at work. 3. Being taken away from everything they know is scary for puppies, and they are sometimes very upset. You can stuff these toys with some treats, kibble or even peanut butter, and your dog will haveto work to get out the food: some owners say these toys keep their pups entertained for hours! Its always best to have a few tools in your arsenal when youre raising a puppy, to make sure that their days are as engaging and stimulating as possible. You should spend as much time as possible with them in the first few weeks. Nanny cams will help you find out if your dog is engaging in any nuisance barking or destructive behavior so you can nip the problem in the bud before you start getting complaints from your neighbors. Potty training, socialization and avoiding separation anxiety, will be three of your top priorities as a working puppy parent. If necessary, buy a 2. You will also need to use these two weeks to start crate training your puppy, to gradually get them used to being shut in for short periods of time. WebStep 1 Feed your puppy and take him outside before going to work. If you spend long hours apart during the week, try to avoid leaving your dog alone in the evenings and on weekends. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Carefully done, this process will help the puppy see their crate as a wonderful, relaxing den to snuggle down in. Youll need to Find a Routine and Stick to it. Does training work for tiring puppies? And reduce our separation anxiety. The room should also be free from hazards. It may seem counterintuitive, but one of the best ways of leaving your dog at home while at work is to consider adopting another dog to keep your dog company. Get the Set Up Right. Alternatives to a Crate. For puppies up to three-month-old, someone will have to let them out of the crate to do their business at least once until you get home for lunch. Hi there! Congratulations on your new puppy! Even better, take your dog with you to a dog-friendly farmers market and enjoy doing the shopping together. , and learn how to adjust your dog to a new home or to staying at home alone for extended periods. amzn_assoc_title = "Recommended Nanny Cams"; If you have a family member or friend who is retired or working or studying from home you may have the answer to the problem of what to do with puppy when at work all day. But if youre planning on, keeping a dog in an apartment while at work. View your home from your dogs point of view and identify any potential hazards. As we discussed earlier, one of the major concerns for full-time workers raising puppies is the fact they couldsuffer from separation anxiety. Speaking of crates, many dog owners find it useful to keep their pup in their crate when theyre out during the day. This is to make sure that they also get acquainted with the world outside your home. Other than the fact that your puppy will likely want to stretch their legs and have a run around for a bit, they will need to go to the toilet at this point, and its best to avoid them peeing in their crates if possible. If your dog will have the run of the house and backyard while youre at work, a series of nanny cams will help you keep an eye on what your dog is up to. Leave the Room. Plus, they become excellent tools to keep an eye on your beloved furry babies! So, a two-month-old puppy will need to pee every two hours or so, a three-month-old puppy every three hours, and so on. Only if you're leaving them home alone! And reduce our separation anxiety. By their nature, puppiesneed a little more care and attention than older dogs to make sure they develop correctly, dont get lonely and dont mature with any behavioral problems. My sister finally managed to snag a home-based writing job, and this has allowed her to relax a lot more often. Cables, furniture, these are all appealing to a dog that is bored and on its own. Consider installing a magnetic or electronic doggy-door to give your dog the option of spending time indoors or outdoors during the day. Here are a few issues that most new puppy owners are concerned with, and the major challenges youll most likely face if youre working full time. This is where puzzles and treat toys can play an enormous role in keeping your dog mentally stimulated and staving off boredom while youre away. is that your dog could be caught outside in rain, hail, or snow, or become uncomfortably hot during the summer months. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Take some time off. WebProvide toys and activities that your dog can do while hes home alone to keep him occupied. Dogs shouldn't really be kept inside for more than eight hours a day, and some can't be in alone for that long. An older dog might be a better choice because it doesnt require much training and housebreaking. Luckily, technology has stepped in to provide ways for you to communicate with your dog and even release treats for good behavior. Other dog breeds are more independent and will handle hours of alone time in their stride. A dog walker could be the perfect solution someone to visit your home in the middle of the day and take your dog for a good long walk. Human voices playing in the background are comforting for dogs. What To Do When Your Puppy Pees In The House, How Do You Potty Train A 4 Month Old Puppy, What To Do When Your Puppy Hates Leash Walking, How To Stop My Cockapoo Puppy From Biting. Again, youll need to start slowly and increase the time you spend away from them gradually. Planning for these things helps reduce the stress level for you and your puppy and is an essential part of learning how to raise a puppy while working. to keep them entertained, you could look into the range of automated toys available for dogs. Let him relieve himself and play fetch with him to tire him out. Elisabeth offers behavior training, puppy manners, body awareness and injury prevention, diet, exercise and dog nutrition services. Many puppy owners ask a friend or neighbor for help, but do approach this with caution. Ask any potential doggie daycare for testimonials from current clients. Choose a crate thats big enough for a puppy to stand up in and lie down with their legs outstretched. But if youre contemplating. And it is likely to be extremely stressful to a young puppy. In both situations, its vitally important to ensure that your dog feels safe and comfortable. Some treat-dispensing units can be set up to release treats at certain times, while others need to be activated by you. You will probably even want to settle them in your room at night for much of the first week. Be Realistic. In the early days, he may not even last 20 minutes and an average capacity for a Imagine being at work, chatting to your dog on a video camera, asking them to sit, and then clicking a button to release a treat when they do the right thing. This tip wont apply to everyone, but there are some circumstances where you may be able to take your dog to work with you. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "vsa0a0-20"; Hire Some Help. Other dog owners who work full-time dedicate a small room in their homes for their Lab puppy to stay. This is especially true if they are puppies who aren't totally trained yet. Try to do something you know theyd appreciate, like taking them out to dinner or some other activity every week or so. 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