This site has an archive of more than one thousand seven hundred interviews, or eight thousand book recommendations. Our shared social experiences are surrounded by music: shaping youth subcultures, forming the banal backdrop to shopping centres and other aspects of bourgeois life, marking the rhythms or simply passing time spent at work, heralding the passing of milestones and the undergoing of rites of passage, carrying the last vestiges of cultural memory, conveying the supposed essences of patriotic sentiment in national anthems or aspiring to highlight and foster the interconnectedness of all humanity. Combining individual video performances, the Riverdance dancers and musicians produced Riverdance Together Apart, showcasing the popular genre of Irish music and step dance in a tribute to frontline workers across the world. Of course its not just used for the study of music, but within this context it works particularly well because of its elegance and simplicity in revealing the everyday life dimensions of musical production and consumption. She argues that music plays an important role in shaping human behaviour. At the same time people in communities experiencing the anxiety of watching their cultures undergo significant disruption and rupture, especially the older generation may be preoccupied with trying to stem the flow of the disruption and rupture, looking to existing and past structures of cultural practice as the ideal to be maintained or reclaimed, potentially disrupting other dynamic and productive processes of change which involve creativity and communicative and aesthetic competence. That level of participation, combined with observation, when repeated over and over, allows you to scrutinise what people take for granted. The importance of Indigenous agency and power to control what is published and identify key concerns is outlined by Megan Morais (this issue) in her consideration of how to appropriately repatriate archival materials to contemporary community members in a Central Australian Indigenous community. Ethnography is a type of qualitative research that involves immersing yourself in a particular community or organization to observe their behavior and interactions up close. The second section in this issue forms a separate collection comprising a Forum on Stephen Feld's Voices of the Rainforest. Whilst there is awareness of this responsibility amongst scholars within these disciplines, the rise of institutions dedicated to teaching about Western Civilisation (likely for balance) and further nationwide funding cuts to the Humanities in Higher Education, not to mention the decimation of the Arts sector, show that, at least in the Australian context, there is a long way to go. The five articles in this issue 1 are all grounded in contemporary ethnographic fieldwork, and all emphasise the value of research on music, both for scholarly understandings of particular social worlds and as representations of cultural identity for communities of music-makers. Catherine Ingram highlights this challenge for Kam big song from southwestern China, noting that the locating of tradition and the situating of divergence within analyses of cultural performances are necessarily key concerns in many cultural contexts (Citation2012, 435). It is rich in exercises to develop an ethnographic writer's talents and surprising in its stories of Chekhov as ethnographer. This is especially the case in contexts in which musical genres are considered to be under threat and particular performances or representations of traditions are reified as a result. Limit to Music and Dance Library for subject specificity. What does she mean by it? A commitment to decolonising methods through focus on local concepts such as lift-up-over sounding (Feld Citation1990) acts to let the subject speak (DigimRina, this issue) and adds invaluable importance to ethnographic insights, in turn allowing for deeper and more far-reaching representation. Imagine going to a concert. Simon Frith (1982) once bemoaned the fact that students would rather sit in the library and study popular music (mainly punk) in terms of the appropriate cultural theory, than conduct ethnographic research which would treat popular music as social practice and process. You would watch the show, listen to the music, sing along, cheer, interact with friends, and all that jazz, right? Our publication program covers a wide range of disciplines including psychology, philosophy, Black studies, women's studies, cultural studies, music, immigration, and more. We would further like to thank Amanda Harris, Catherine Ingram, Chris Coady, Genevieve Campbell, James Humberstone, Diana Glazebrook and Simone Dennis for helpful feedback on this article. This is a globalised context in which the challenges and tensions of continuity of tradition interface with the concerns of Indigenous rights activism, imbuing the performance with a new kind of value. Ethnographers frequently need to disentangle issues around the continuity, change, rupture, preservation and revitalisation of traditional forms, both in and out of the field. Shake it and dance! by Mahesh Radhakrishnan focuses on the Portuguese Burghers, a Eurasian community in Sri Lanka, and explores the performance of the iconic traditional music and dance form called kfriinha. Think of financial capital, for example: its something you accumulate over time by collecting pieces of it, money in this case. DeNora makes an incredibly simple, but incredibly compelling argument: within the domain of everyday life we utilise music as a technology. This is not to say that music researchers should not observe and explain what is going on, only to emphasise that their own positionality and agency, as well as active role in the research, cannot be ignored or taken for granted (see examples in Barz and Cooley Citation1996). How do I view content? There is a noticeable gap between the literature concerning popular music ethnography and the growing body of work on cultural memory and emotional geography. Subculturalists are a lot more playful than originally thought, and lot more diverse within their own scene than previously argued. score: 98 , and 1 person voted. Soethnographyis specific,ethnologyis generic. In late April, Nicholas Ng (see article, this issue), of the AustraliaChina Institute for Arts and Culture at the University of Western Sydney curated Musical Connections Amid the Global Pandemic, featuring 12 artists with China-Australia connections in varied musical arrangements set to artful visuals, quotes and poetry. There are approaches that focus on historical dynamics, others that focus on the semiotic (either lyrics or sound structures) components of songs, and others that focus on what people do with music and how they interact with music and with one another with regard to music. Founded in 1918, the Press publishes more than 40 journals representing 18 societies, along with more than 100 new books annually. The Value of Ethnographic Research on Mu . : The Value of Ethnographic Research on Music, Ethnographic Research on Music for the Global Context, Musical Traditions Within Global Contexts, Engaging with Music Sustainability (and) Activism,,,,,, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health. The catalog may be used to findprint books, sound recording, films, and scores, as well as some e-books and streaming media assets. Rather, it is a form of pastiche, of bricolage. We would like to acknowledge Kirsty Gillespie's role in convening the panel and her role in proposing this publication (with Georgia Curran); the other participants in that panel including the authors in this issue; as well as Jennifer Biddle, Myfany Turpin and Jason Gibson. Extending Anthony Seeger's recent flagging of areas for improvement in ethnomusicological research, this special issue is framed in terms of several concerns: engagement with cultural tradition, music and essentialism, and music as sustainability activism., Music 203 & 307: World Music / Ethnomusicology. What do you mean by an ethnographic approach to music? Linda Tuhiwai Smith provides a useful framework for carrying out research with Indigenous people which privileges indigenous concerns, indigenous practices and indigenous participation as researchers and researched (Citation2013, 107). Want to Read. He also, however, elaborates several areas that he considers to be characterised by not much progress (Citation2019, 24): [L]ack of interdisciplinary engagement (Citation2019, 2627) and acknowledgement by people in other disciplines despite the significant amount of transdisciplinary work in which ethnomusicologists are engaged. She talks about how certain youth cultures emerge from shared tastes in music. It is also a timely reminder about the inextricable links between ethnomusicology, social justice and cultural continuity, and the need for research to highlight the values of humanly organised sound in creative and meaningful ways, perhaps even more urgently as we enter a new phase of the pandemic and continue to confront climate change and ecological crisis, all of which are generally having disproportionately larger impacts on vulnerable populations across the world.Footnote5. Ethnographic researchers of music often and necessarily come from a wide variety of interdisciplinary backgrounds, which, from differing angles, examine the ways in which musical practices create and define many aspects of peoples social worlds. The articles in this issue all emphasise social context as understood through immersive fieldwork with communities of musicians. In what way? In doing so they point to the value of musical traditions and of studying them, as not only important to the communities who practise them but to anthropology, broader research and the world. Archives and archiving play a significant role in music sustainability activism because of their role in cultural reproduction. Each of these five papers considers cultural contexts viewed by both insiders and the general public as traditionalthree focus on musical genres performed in Central Australian communities, one looks at Chinese Teochew regional culture in its global diasporic context and another considers a Sri Lankan Portuguese Burgher creole-speaking context. Coherence was a critical component in earlier studies. The Professor of Communication and Culture enlightens us about musical enthnography what people do with music, and how they interact with music (and with one another) 1 Music in Everyday Life by Tia DeNora 2 Sound Moves by Michael Bull 3 Club Cultures by Sarah Thornton 4 Music Scenes by Andy Bennett and Richard A Peterson In 1910, James McLaughlin, who had been living among the Native American Tribes for 38 years, wrote of his experiences with the native peoples. Rodgers Library for Science & Engineering. Thornton examines the insiders of a much maligned scene: the dance scene. Material Culture and Technology in Everyday Life, Edouard Mathieu on Using Data to Understand the World, Robert Lieberman on The Best Jimmy Carter Books. Ongoing problems with the terminology ethnomusicology (Citation2019, 27), namely, its potential for colonial and patriarchal associations, as well as particular relationships to places and times. This syncretic quadrille tells us much about Portuguese Burgher identity being a central part of wedding celebrations, an important rite of passage for young Portuguese Burghers and also subject to restrictions that help normalise and valorise marriage within the community and help maintain patrilineality as determining Burgher identity. His award-winning book, Accidental Ethnography: An Inquiry into Family Secrecy, was published by Left Coast Press in 2009 and reissued as a classic . James P. Spradley. Thus, the beauty of this book comes from its own internal diversity. If you are the interviewee and would like to update your choice of books (or even just what you say about them) please email us at Ethnography is a relatively recent form of inquiry in music education research in the United States ().Though ethnography is now more frequently found in mainstream music education literature, such was not the case before the 1980s. Scout simultaneously searchesthe library catalog, databases of scholarly work(e.g., JSTOR and RILM), electronic collections (e.g., HathiTrust), streaming media (e.g., Naxos and Alexander Street Press), and much more. In the contemporary context of an increasingly globalised and interconnected world, the boundedness of a geographical location and exclusive emphasis on the other are jarring on many levels, as most peoples social worlds and connections now exist well beyond these locales, and the lines that define previously taken-for-granted monolithic binaries such as Western/non-Western or European/non-European are blurry both within and outside scholarly parlance. This genre presents an interesting case study for the power of diasporic identities to strongly evoke a sense of homeland and the power of music as a vehicle of authentication. Book Description. While the circumstances are certainly challenging, it seems a ripe time to reflect on our place as scholars and allies in meaningfully understanding and engaging with these problems and contributing to solutions. (Lundberg Citation2019, 227). Music, in this sense, is used as a means to an end whereas traditionally, as a form of art, music ought to be made and consumed for its own sake. A related issue is overcoming the colonialist and Eurocentric roots of early research that was concerned with understanding diverse musical traditions and was frequently tied to concerns around categorisation and links to cultural, and frequently racial, typologies. In this panel, contributors came together to reflect on the value of ethnographic research into music-making in various locations ranging from Indigenous and multicultural Australia, New Guinea, Sri Lanka and South Africa. Ethnography is a qualitative research method that comes from the discipline of anthropology; the in-depth study of a culture or a facet of a culture (such as music). The social injustice at play is that of unequal endangerment of music heritage due to the hegemonic influence of globalised pop culture, a wicked problem in the words of Grant (Citation2014), which defies easy solutions and needs an interdisciplinary approach. How do you know what you find is actually an ethnography? While Agawus thesis supports the utility of formalism (see, also, Byl and Sykes Citation2020, 206210 for similarly nuanced arguments regarding comparativism), the importance of decolonising approaches, including the more contextually and ethnographically grounded, should not be underestimated. On probabilities in particular, people tend to be completely clueless. The significance of this dance is highlighted by its rarity in the community of Yuendumu where it has not been performed for several decades. Nicholas Ng presents an ethnographically rich account of his journeys in a Western Sydney local community with Teochew opera, a form originating in regional China amongst the Teochew community and maintained throughout the Teochew diaspora. When using the catalog, we recommend starting your search from the "Advanced Search" tab. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. Morais reflects on her experience and positionality as an outsiderresearcher, changing community attitudes to sharing knowledge openly as well as the agency of the women involved at the time of her fieldwork and now in the midst of this new project; and how all of these have combined to give value to the tradition. Seeger suggests it is an important time to rethink and refine our communications and activities to have a bigger impact. The study of music in the context of customs and culture. The matter of representation in ethnography is well discussed. Highlighting the contrast between Teochew music and the standardised and modernised music of the Chinese classical conservatory, Ng reflects on the ancientness associated with the genre, its power to evoke Teochew regional identity, the variations in context and practice across the diaspora as well as its vulnerable status within the Western Sydney community with which he works. Yet for musical genres that have been passed down over generations in culturally specific contexts and are important to many social functionsmany of which are at risk as they are not being passed on to younger generationsthese restrictions may have far-reaching consequences for the transmission of musical forms to future generations. What that means is that we now have an incredible amount of choice of music made and consumed for a specific purpose. Think mud huts and pith helmets: months or years living among the 'natives', immersed in the strangeness of a distant culture and producing what Clifford Geertz called thick description [1]. Think Like an Anthropologist by Matthew Engelke Brilliant, lively, short (ish) introduction into the key issues that shape anthropology. In November 2014, he published Off the Grid: Re-Assembling Domestic Life, the culmination of two years of research into the lives of people across Canada who live off the grid. Besides what I mentioned, Thornton argues that individuals become members of a club culture, a scene, or a subculture these terms are all very interrelated by accumulating subcultural capital. Recent global movements have shed light on injustices including sexual violence against women (#metoo); police and state violence against black people (Black Lives Matter or #BLM) in America and around the world and including against Indigenous people in Australia; racism; casteism; homophobia; transphobia; the climate catastrophe; the refugee crisis and harsh asylum seeker policies; ableism; the stigmatisation of mental health; child trafficking and abuse; the rise in authoritarian leadership and global inequality. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. 4 See also Louis Chvez and Russell Skelchy (Citation2016) for a short but powerful discussion on decolonising approaches including the role of co-authorship. Hybrid Ethnography: Online, Offline, and In Between (Qualitative Research Methods): 9781544320328: Przybylski, . Here, he recommends five books on Jimmy Carter, winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize: "Carter was who he seemed to be, which is not something you often say about successful politicians.". Music scenes are also ways that people have of building bonds with like-minded others. In this Introduction, we consider Seegers call for action and draw out some of the key challenges of research that focuses on the representation of culturally distinct forms of music: how to research and document the maintenance of valued traditions through cultural shifts; how to respond in intellectually and ethically rigorous ways to essentialising frameworks; and how to appropriately promote and participate in music sustainability activism. Philippe Bourgois. There areseveral approaches to finding ethnographies;each depending on your knowledge or comfort level with the course material. Finally, all situations call for a degree of activism and engaged ethnomusicology on the part of the researchers, whether it is in the very act of documentation and return of vulnerable traditions (Morais), in inviting reflection on teaching (Ng), cultural continuity (Radhakrishnan) and change (Dowsett), or the intersection between the performance of tradition and other aspects of social justice activism on issues affecting the community (Curran and Sims). This presents a quandary for documentary ethnomusicologists who take seriously the widely accepted ideas, in anthropology and most social sciences, that identity is socially constructed, at least to an extent, but is not fixed and cannot be reduced to biological essences such as the race or biological sex into which a person is born. The pervasiveness of music in human social life often results in essentialised community understandings and identification with musical traditions, which feed into research practices. 1 This special issue comprises two sections. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. (Treloyn Citation2016, 33). LMF feat. Human interaction, resonance and sharing space are fundamental to these musical practices yet have suddenly been impeded by the drastic social distancing measures required to overcome the global pandemic. 3099067 Issues around the essentialism of music play an important role in defining and mapping these continuities and changes. Nancy Scheper-Hughes. If an item is not available at the University of Alabama libraries, you may request itthrough ILLiad, our InterLibrary Loan system. Perhaps one of the biggest intellectual puzzles facing the paradigm of musicand, also, languagedocumentation and the projects of maintenance and revitalisation with which they are frequently associated, is the reification of specific forms through the act of documentation itself, which is, all too often, tied to essentialist discourses about culture, whether they come from the researcher and/or the community itself. The ideal introduction for a general reader, a student -. The important work of scholars like Catherine Grant, in her book Music Endangerment, How Language Maintenance Can Help (Citation2014), have laid a path for this kind of interdisciplinary and socially active form of research. Taylor (1987) writes that at the time, four research methodologies were most widely used in music education: experimental, descriptive, philosophical, and historical. The Professor of Communication and Culture enlightens us about musical enthnography what people do with music, and how they interact with music (and with one another). The ubiquity of music in cultural life, the myriad ways in which it delights and moves people, and its rich scope for cultural significance at many levels, make it an important object of inquiry for an anthropologist. Please note: Selecting permissions does not provide access to the full text of the article, please see our help page In this book, Christopher Poulos provides a step-by-step guide to writing autoethnography, illustrating its essential features and practices with excerpts from his own and others' work. 1. Peer-reviewed by the Society's international membership, Ethnomusicology has been published three times a year since the 1950s. Even as more and more data becomes available, many of us have a view of the world that doesn't correspond to reality. The study of music in the context of customs and culture. Bridging the chasm between sociology and anthropology, it is the leading network for dialogical exchanges between monadic ethnographers and those from all disciplines involved and interested in ethnography and society. Tell me about the book. This article has been corrected with minor changes. This work was supported by Australian Research Council [Grant Number DE200100120]. Music can almost universally be regarded as an essential part of life. Look forethnographies in the Library Catalog: Search ethnograph$ -- limit to Music and Dance Library for subject specificity, Use ADVANCED SEARCH to also limit to Books MARC format. In this introductory article we consider the value of research on musicfor the communities for whom it is a highly valued form of cultural expression and for the produced understandings of peoples' social worlds. Some aspects of ethnography: In these current circumstances, as is the case with many other contexts of social shift, people are using music to assert particular forms of identity and as a response to the changes that are currently occurring worldwide. In the recently published book Ethnomusicology Matters, Anthony Seeger (Citation2019) has acknowledged the significant achievements of ethnomusicological research over its 70 year history as a discipline, noting in particular its role in the promotion of cultural diversity and significant developments leading to collaborative and applied research (see Citation2019, 2325 for the full list of achievements). Sound Moves: iPod Culture and Urban Experience looks at the effect of personal music devices on the people who use them. The catalog may be used to find print books, sound recording, films, and scores, as well as some e-books and streaming media assets. These practices and performance traditions, as studied in their cultural contexts, are in most cases more than art forms; research in this area is, therefore, holistic and interdisciplinary, and researchers delve into other surrounding social and cultural practices, ecological knowledge, language, ritual forms and historical events, amongst other areas. You couldnt be into both punk and trance, for example, and if you were, well, you were a true fan of neither. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. The puzzle is this: as cultural diversity faces a crisis of disruption and rupture of ways of knowingmost acutely reflected in the rapid disappearance of the worlds languagesthe most commonly expected response of researchers is to urgently document these often essentialised ways of knowing and doing before they disappear or transform into something unrecognisable. The historical legacies of ethnomusicology and anthropology in connecting us as scholars to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) communities and the Global South, despite the colonialist underpinnings, provide us with a unique opportunity, particularly at this time, to highlight the value of the music, languages and cultures of peoples who have been marginalised because of the normalisation of white supremacy in the world order. Its scholarly articles represent current theoretical perspectives and research in ethnomusicology and related fields, while playing a central role in expanding the discipline in the United States and abroad. The contribution to reducing intolerance [] teaching respect for difference and the recognition of the advantages of diversity (Citation2019, 28). This is the reality of capitalism (LMF Citation2020). It is a research tradition typical of anthropology and related fields used to write about peoples ways of life. In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio. Remember that many ethnographies do not have the word ethnography in their titles. Music and Ethnography Introduction Welcome to the research guide for music and ethnography! On to your first book: what does Tia DeNora argue in Music in Everyday Life? Well, you couldnt get a sense of all that by way of historical or semiotic analysis. How often do communities represent and affirm their distinct identities through their music? Revised and updated, the essays offer detailed, regional studies of the different musical cultures of Africa and examine the ways in which music helps to define the identity of this particular area. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? Accessed 4 May 2020. On the basis of a lot of interviews about how people listen to music DeNora finds that music is a technology of the self, a set of tools and techniques, which we utilise, for example, to work out harder at the gym, clean up floors to, or set the tone for a date. On probabilities in particular, people tend to be completely clueless shared tastes in music and! Certain youth cultures emerge from shared tastes in music work was supported by Australian research Council [ Grant DE200100120! Know what you find is actually an ethnography as an essential part of life ethnographic to. Music sustainability activism because of their role in defining and mapping these continuities and changes music an! Playful than originally thought, and lot more diverse within their own scene previously. The Society 's international membership, Ethnomusicology has been published three times a year since the 1950s Selling. 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