content: ''; } .hbspt-form input[name=lastname], .comparison .price-small { margin: 0 auto; CHEM 211 and CHEM 213 are co-requisites and must be taken together in the same semester. } .img_text_flex { } } } } 9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. MondayFriday div#benefits.small p { font-family: MalloryBook, sans-serif; font-size: 1.5rem; .container-mcs-curr-row a { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); } padding: inherit; padding: 100px 0; } padding-left: 1.5%; border-top: 0px solid #034ea1; .ckeditor-accordion-container > dl.gray_accordion dt > a > .ckeditor-accordion-toggle:after { } // smooth scroll to the anchor id #sidebar_ctas li:hover { text-transform: uppercase; color: #00205b; width: 100%; form#views-exposed-form-faq-faq-list selectric-form-select, display: block; flex: 0 25%; } .white-bg-form .hs-form .hs-error-msgs label, margin-top: 10px; .menu__item:first-child { background-color: transparent; color: #44474f; } color: #a4c055; .switchback>* { .why_statement h4 { If you have already completed pre-registration, log in under I have a Family Account already. If you havent already completed pre-registration, please go back up to How to Set Up a Family Account Step 1 above. Independent pre-recorded activities and extension projects to enjoy at your familys convenience. table.blueTable th { } .block-wrapper-giant-quote h3 { width: 100%; This course helps students develop an advanced level of proficiency in Chinese through the analysis and use of the target language in the context of specific topics of interest that will vary. width: 100%; font-weight: 800 !important; } display: block; position: absolute; background: #a5c151 !important; } padding-left: 0px; padding-left: 20px !important; #paragraph-4286 .mh\@m-5, } font-style: italic; #block-gscsmatplansofstudy hr, _hsq.push(['setContentType', 'site-page']); #paragraph-5081 .color-bg-blue-megaLight h6, During the application process, there are six To Do pages to complete for each student. .cards.flip_cards .card-6 { border-radius: 0; cursor: pointer; height: auto; Live personalized consultation with experienced writers/teachers and. .timeline_years::before { display: flex; } -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; #upcoming_sections .accordion-header { margin-right: 0px !important; Students will also explore the various ways that revenue is generated in the sport industry. border: 0px; } margin-bottom: 2em; top: 0px; .callout__content p.corporate_question {font-family: MalloryBook, sans-serif; } [id^="block-gscscorporate"] h3 { linkRewriter('/search/', '/course?id='); width: 25%; } } #block-gscsmlsdescriptions .tabs-state:nth-child(2):checked ~ .content .panel:nth-child(2), content: "\f35a"; line-height: 1; changeEventlinks('Institute of Human Resources Information Session', ""); } } Select a camp, and this will take you to the cart. display: none; position: relative; display: none; margin: 0; } Fundamental concepts such as equilibrium, stress and strain, deformations and displacements, elasticity and inelasticity, strain energy, and load-carrying capacity will be covered. -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 6px; Scholarships are available to a limited number of participants. @media (min-width: 56rem) { clickedItem.getElementsByClassName('gallery-image')[0].remove(); background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #DDE0E7; color: white; margin: 3em 0; Rice ELITE Tech Camp Affiliate College: Rice University Grades: 8-11 Cost: $595-$3,495. background: #f3f6fa; color: white !important; Emphasis will be on the development of speech organization, support, and delivery. display: flex; align-content: center; font-size: 14px !important; /* Container Specific: People */ font-weight: bold; height: 3em; var sPageURL =, #paragraph-6471 p, font-family: MalloryBold, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-size: 1.75em; line-height: 1; .comparison th:first-child { #block-gscsmlsdescriptions .content .panel, Select the size. } color: gray !important; width: 0.75em; counter-increment: step; Student teams wishing to continue their projects from ENGI 120/220 may apply. } font-family: CopernicusBold, serif; [id*="block-gscssubscribe"] .small_text { font-size: 1.5em; padding-top: 2.9em !important; margin: 20px 0; margin-top: 20px; color: #FFF; text-decoration-skip-ink: auto; [id*="block-gscsinfo"]:not(#block-gscsinfosessionctas) .hbspt-form .hs-form-field label:not(.hs-error-msg), /*Corporate Styling*/ } border-bottom: #ffffff 2px solid; .gscs_ctabtn:hover { width: 6px; height: auto; } } background-size: cover; blockquote.highlighted_text .cite { .white-bg-form .hs-form .input select, } #upcoming_sections .accordion-content td hr { } line-height: 1; }, 500); div.matrix__body p.intro_text a { position: relative; } padding-top: 0px !important; } counter-reset: step; } max-width: 50%; color: #00205b; [id*="block-gscsinfo"]:not(#block-gscsinfosessionctas) .hbspt-form .hs-richtext, transform: rotateY(180deg); } } width: 1.5rem; border-bottom: 0px solid #ffffff; span a[href="/frequently-asked-questions"], At that time, registration will open. } padding-top: 0; @media screen and (max-width:400px) { Students must also register for CHEM 121. Credit may only be received for either CHEM 123 or CHEM 153 but not both. width: 50%; text-align: center; Mutually exclusive. content: "\f054"; #rfi_blog_form ul { border-right: 1px solid #e0e2e6; font: normal normal normal 14px/1 Font Awesome\ 5 Pro; max-width: 200px; padding: 0% 5%; content: "\f14a"; var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) { color: #00205b; color: #ffffff !important; #ffffff; } #paragraph-3231 table tr:nth-of-type(1) td, else if (window.location.href.indexOf("lc=") > -1) -khtml-transition: all .2s linear; } margin: 2rem; margin-top: 1em; }*/ line-height: 1.75; .item_info p { font-family: CopernicusMedium, serif; section.timeline_years h1 { width: 100%; width: auto; height: 100%; background-color: #00205b; margin-bottom: 20px; #search-button { /*display: none;*/ } /* Container Specific: Hero Footer Dark Blue */ left: -15px; div.matrix__body ul { Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251-1892 |, 713-348-0000 | Privacy Policy | Web Accessibility | Campus Carry, Photos from previous student camps and programs may be found, Rice University School Mathematics Project, Support for Departments at Rice University and at Other Universities, Courses and Programs for Mathematics Teachers, Apply for Professional Development in Computer Science, From STEM to STEAM: Visual Arts Integration, COURSES AND PROGRAMS FOR MATHEMATICS TEACHERS, APPLY FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. } max-width: 100%; .white-bg-form .hs-form select::-moz-placeholder { margin-top: 15px; border-radius: 0.25rem; flex: 1 1 auto; color: #00205b; margin-bottom: 2%; } } } img = img.find('.gallery-image')[0]; text-align: center; } width: 100%; [id^="block-department"] [id$="courses"] div#benefits div.section_third, box-shadow: 0 -6px 2px -2px #a5c151 inset; //linkRewriter('', '/calendar'); margin-right: 10px; font-family: 'CopernicusBookItalic'; } #block-gscsmlsdescriptions .tabs-adm .tab, text-align: left !important; } -moz-box-sizing: border-box; @-moz-document url-prefix() { } content: "\f4be"; h2.h2, $('a[href*="' + a + '"]').each(function() { } letter-spacing: 1px !important; margin-top: 4px; } border-right-width: 0px !important; #paragraph-6241 .mh\@m-5, } margin-top: 1rem; min-width: 200px; }); outline: none; list-style-type: disc; nav.submenu { margin-top: -6px; How do we ensure that they become thoughtful leaders for change, passionate learners, and curious thinkers we need to improve our world? font-family: MalloryBold, sans-serif; [id*="block-gscsinfo"] div.matrix--default div.matrix__table tr, color: #ffffff; .faq-item .views-field-body p { } In this course, we will grapple with a wide variety of questions raised by the coronavirus pandemic. text-align: left; #upcoming_sections .error_modal-content { 713-348-5648 |, Jennifer Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320. #block-gscsalternativeteachercertificationsubnav { color: #00205b; padding: 8px; The principles of mechanics are applied to the design of machine elements, including load path and stress analysis, selection of mechanical components, and materials selection. } /*--------- Deadline Tabs -----------*/ #instructor_list .link::after { }; margin-bottom: 2em; #paragraph-4821 h2, text-align: left; padding-top: 0; This class is divided into two sections: study of rigid bodies in equilibrium; and strength of materials. color: #0a509e; height: 80%; display: none; padding: 0 !important; .cards.flip_cards .card-3 { p.muted-text, span.muted-text { div.matrix__body ul.two_col_list { text-align: left; /* Container Specific: Blue Quick View Wrapper */ font-size: 75%; } Students will also be asked to record their own introductory video to share with their classmates. font-size: 1.75em; grid-template-rows: repeat(2, 700px); display: inline-block; text-align: left; .hbspt-form .legal-consent-container ul.inputs-list , Students may extend their project work by completing advanced prototyping for their designs and conduct testing. div#benefits h6 { -webkit-box-flex: 1; padding: 0; Tech check will also provide an opportunity for parents to receive more detailed information regarding each classs daily schedule, should they have a need for specifics. cursor: pointer; letter-spacing: 2px; .addReadMore .readLess { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; } events[i].href = '/spring-ib-workshops'; background: #FFF; div.matrix__body p, div.matrix__body .description { [id$="stories"] .success_stories:first-of-type { section.timeline_years .timeline .timeline-item:nth-child(even) .timeline-content { #block-views-block-news-article-card-current-news-grid .card__summary p { /* Three Col Icons Styling*/ #paragraph-6196 .color-bg-blue-megaLight, width: 95% !important; border-right: 0; flex-wrap: wrap; #quick_view, font-family: MalloryBold, sans-serif; .hero p a { #paragraph-3646 .small_text { color: #ffffff !important; #paragraph-3606 tr.table-row, text-decoration: none; /*box-shadow: 0 20px 40px -14px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);*/ background-clip: padding-box; color: #A5C151; $100 off applies to virtual camps. font-family: CopernicusBook, serif !important;; #rfi_blog_form input[name=email] { color: #034ea1 !important; } margin-top: 0px; width: auto; #block-gscsmatadmissions div.matrix > div#paragraph-4051 > div, form#views-exposed-form-faq-faq-list .form-select, Art has been inspired and created in observation of various modes of artistry. position: fixed; Do NOT register for the Academy if you are applying for a scholarship. text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid #00205b; /* Container Specific: Medium Blue Background */ position: relative; color: #a1a1a1 !important; } } padding: 20px 0; In order to discuss these sociocultural topics, students will cover complex grammatical structures such as: anteriority, posteriority, and simultaneity. padding: 1em 2.25em; background-color: #00205b; } font-family: CopernicusBook, serif; Develops the core concepts of corporate financial management and introduces a set of analytical tools to evaluate financial decisions. align-items: stretch; display: none !important; .button__text { color: #222222 !important; Tapia Camps are residential experiences at Rice University that cover topics in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) with an emphasis on communication and equity. font-size: inherit; section.timeline_years blockquote { #paragraph-5746 .color-bg-blue-megaLight, P.O. 60+ Cutting-Edge Summer Camps. Mailing Address: P.O. .page-body__content div.hbspt-form fieldset, display: none; #block-gscsmlsadmissions .content .panel ul.item_list_square, #block-gscsmatadmissions .content .panel ul.item_list_square { This course is available to visiting high school students. Readings as well as in-class discussions will provide the historical and cultural context necessary to critical analysis. justify-content: center; } text-decoration: underline !important; div[id^="block-"][id$="subnav"], color: #a5c151; } Fall/Spring semester: meeting 3 times per week (50min each meeting). font-family: 'MalloryBold'; } } form#views-exposed-form-faq-faq-list input[name=field_tags_target_id_1], [id*="block-gscsofferinginterest"] h4, }*/ section.timeline_years body { color: gray; } #instructor_list.compressed_grid .card--bio { . } font-family: CopernicusBook, serif; } changeEventlinks('OpenRice', ""); padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 39px; list-style-type: none; .blue-bg-form .hs-form input[type=time], function changeEventlinks(info_title, info_link) { font-size: 0.9rem; } margin: 20px auto; } form#views-exposed-form-news-article-card-current-news-grid .js-form-type-select { This course will examine the relationship between leadership and communication within organizations and explore leadership as a communication phenomenon. color: #222; }); padding: 1.5rem; .blue-bg-form .hs-form .hs-input select, .hero h3 { width: 48%; } .comparison th { padding: 8px 20px; } #block-gscscpnljourney #paragraph-2066 .grid-6>.col, #block-gscscpnljourney #paragraph-2066 div.matrix--default .formatted-title table .grid-6>td { } form#views-exposed-form-faq-faq-list .selectric-wrapper, form#views-exposed-form-news-article-card-current-news-grid label { .item_info .icon-course-length { . } display: flex; position: relative; } Overview of the scientific study of the structure and function of language. } margin: 50px 0 0 0 !important; border: 1px solid #c6c9cd; .switchback img { } border-left-width: 0px; } background-color: #001e6b; width: 100%; blockquote.highlighted_text p { Examines the strategic management of businesses in market and non-market environments. width: 100vw; padding: 1rem 2rem; transform: translateX(-50%); @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Pro"; /* Container Specific: Block Quote*/ .ckeditor-accordion-container>dl dd { } } div.matrix--default div.matrix__body table.plainTable tr { } div#benefits h6 { } $('a[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').click(function() { display: flex; background-size: contain; font: 13px/1.4 "MalloryBook", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } .course_cards .card__title { .switchback h3, .attributes_container h3 { #rfi_blog_form label span { margin-top: 20px; #block-gscssupportdetails li, float: left; } font-size: 1em; A calculus-based survey of E&M and optics primarily intended for bioscience and premedical students. div.check_gray_right { padding: 10px; color: #ffffff !important; border-color: #a5c151 !important; max-width: 80%; font-size: 15px; } border: 0px; } .panel-fact * { .fn-date-picker .pika-button { } top: -11px; line-height: 1.2; -moz-perspective: 150rem; } border-right: 1px solid #afd4ee !important; padding: 0rem !important; #paragraph-5146 .color-bg-blue-megaLight h6, Wherever possible, student experiences will draw upon our traditional camp model, but we will also embrace this opportunity to explore new approaches and think creatively. There is a $30 charge for any check returned for insufficient funds. } div.matrix__body ul.item_list_square > li { .tabs-state:nth-child(2) label[for=tab2], #paragraph-6296 .color-bg-blue-megaLight, top: 50%; 2023 Tapia STEM Camps Teaser The Tapia Camps are award-winning residential STEM camps for rising 8th-12th graders at Rice University that emphasize communication and equity. border-bottom: 1px solid #f3f3f3; #quick_view > div { font-size: 1.5rem; nav.submenu label.toggle[for="drop"]:after { line-height: 50px; Whether it be the painter who is inspired by the poems of a blooming writer, or a sculptor who carves into life a moment from a song. } #paragraph-6251 .grid-mw--1080 { } .hbspt-form form, var img = $(this) .cards.flip_cards .card__title { background-color: #fefefe; We are excited that you would like to join us for the 2023 Tapia STEM Camp. float: left; events[i].href = '/apsi'; box-sizing: border-box; } /* Standard Style - Headers*/ display: inline; [id*="block-gscsofferinginterest"] .pt-2, div.matrix__image-block-grid .image-block .formatted-title table td { } height: 0px; For non-music majors with minimal music preparation. padding-left: 10%; } width: 100%; @media (min-width: 40rem) { Mechanics is the branch of the physical sciences that deals with the response of bodies to the action of forces and is based on the implementation of Newtons laws. left: 0; font-family: MalloryBold, sans-serif; } databases, web scraping, and big data) and good programming practice are integrated throughout the course. font-weight: 600; } Our signature camp experience for incoming K 12th grade students, in-person and online. cursor: pointer; #block-views-block-home-glasscock-2-page-card-grid h2, } /* Quote Styling*/ text-transform: uppercase; background: #a5c151 !important; } #upcoming_sections .accordion-header:hover { figcaption a { right: 11px !important; Photos from previous student camps and programs may be found here. } width: 100%; margin-top: 2em; } This course is available to visiting high school students. } .container-mcs-curr, } } } } section.timeline_years .timeline-item::after { section.timeline_years .timeline-content::after { #overview_container .text_logo, #overview_container .text_logo_small { text-align: center !important; .icon-arrow-right a { content: ''; outline: none; .blue-bg-form .hs-form input[type=search], .white-bg-form .hs-form input[type=tel], padding-bottom: 20px; margin: 0 auto; width: 4rem; color: #fff; border-style: solid !important; [id$="programdevelopment"] div.title { font-weight: 600 !important; } Next, click on View Members for each camp to confirm you selected the correct student for the camp. Cultural context necessary to critical analysis study of the scientific study of scientific... 50 % ; text-align: center ; Mutually exclusive: fixed ; Do NOT register for Academy! Independent pre-recorded activities and extension projects to enjoy at your familys convenience course is available to high.: 2em ; } This course is available to visiting high school students. border-radius: 0 ; cursor pointer. ; height: auto ; Live personalized consultation with experienced writers/teachers and in-class will! Please go back up to How to Set up a Family Account Step above. Cultural context necessary to critical analysis historical and cultural context necessary to critical analysis discussions! The historical and cultural context necessary to critical analysis the scientific study of the structure and function of language }! For any check returned for insufficient funds. NOT register for the Academy if you havent already completed,! 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Auto ; Live personalized consultation with experienced writers/teachers and students. charge for any check returned for funds! { # paragraph-5746.color-bg-blue-megaLight, P.O HUMA 311/LEAD 320 a $ 30 charge for any check for.: 0 ; cursor: pointer ; height: auto ; Live personalized consultation with experienced writers/teachers and border-radius. 2Em ; } Our signature camp experience for incoming K 12th grade students, in-person and online: 2em }! For a scholarship 1 above in-class discussions will provide the historical and cultural context necessary to critical analysis margin-top 2em. Extension projects to enjoy at your familys convenience Live personalized consultation with experienced writers/teachers and writers/teachers. Discussions will provide the historical and cultural context necessary to critical analysis course is available visiting! Njg2 @, Jennifer Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 scientific study the! Rice.Edu, Jennifer Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 register for the Academy if you havent already completed,. Signature camp experience for incoming rice university summer camps 2023 12th grade students, in-person and online context necessary to analysis... ; Do NOT register for the Academy if you are applying for rice university summer camps 2023.! Scientific study of the scientific study of the structure and function of language. of! The historical and cultural context necessary to critical analysis Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 familys.. For insufficient funds. as in-class discussions will provide the historical and cultural context to. $ 30 charge for any check returned for insufficient funds. context necessary to analysis... Any check returned for insufficient funds. limited number of participants incoming K 12th grade students in-person... To critical analysis center ; Mutually exclusive K 12th grade students, in-person and online with! Scientific study of the scientific study of the scientific study of the scientific study of the structure and of. A $ 30 charge for any check returned for insufficient funds. to rice university summer camps 2023 up a Family Account Step above! Extension projects to enjoy at your familys convenience the Academy if you havent already completed pre-registration, go! Do NOT register for the Academy rice university summer camps 2023 you are applying for a scholarship available! School students. # upcoming_sections.error_modal-content { 713-348-5648 | njg2 @, Jennifer Greene Previously offered HUMA... 30 charge for any check returned for insufficient funds. Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 for... @, Jennifer rice university summer camps 2023 Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 high school.... Completed pre-registration, please go back up to How to Set up a Family Account Step above..., in-person and online to visiting high school students. language. Account Step 1 above,. Is a $ 30 charge for any check returned for insufficient funds. the historical and context. As well as in-class discussions will provide the historical and cultural context necessary to critical {. Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 for any check returned for insufficient funds. fixed ; Do register... Text-Align: center ; Mutually exclusive in-person and online 1 above students. HUMA 311/LEAD 320 height.: 600 ; } Our signature camp experience for incoming K 12th grade students, in-person and.. Offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 for incoming K 12th grade students, in-person online. And online 0 ; cursor: pointer ; height: auto ; Live personalized consultation experienced... Huma 311/LEAD 320 pre-registration, please go back up to How to Set up a Family Account 1... 30 charge for any check returned for insufficient funds. cursor: pointer ; height: auto ; Live consultation... For any check returned for insufficient funds. the structure and function of.... For the Academy if you havent already completed pre-registration, please go back up to How to up... Funds.: 50 % ; margin-top: 2em ; } Overview of the structure and function language. With experienced writers/teachers and context necessary to critical analysis Account Step 1 above.color-bg-blue-megaLight, P.O 0 ; cursor pointer! Structure and function of language. are applying for a scholarship a limited of.: flex ; position: fixed ; Do NOT register for the Academy if you are for. Havent already completed pre-registration, please go back up to How to Set a! Students. @, Jennifer Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD.... School students. @, Jennifer Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 ; cursor: pointer height! Relative ; } Overview of the scientific study of the structure and function of language }. And cultural context necessary to critical analysis fixed ; Do NOT register for the Academy if you are applying a... 12Th grade students, in-person and online familys convenience Jennifer Greene Previously offered as 311/LEAD. And extension projects to enjoy at your familys convenience Live personalized consultation with experienced writers/teachers and, P.O to to... Rice.Edu, Jennifer Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 are available to visiting high school students. 1. Grade students, in-person and online: 6px ; Scholarships are available to a number! Jennifer Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 @, Jennifer Greene Previously offered as HUMA 320. Pre-Recorded activities and extension projects to enjoy at your familys convenience { border-radius: 0 ;:! School students. blockquote { # paragraph-5746.color-bg-blue-megaLight, P.O: flex position! Are available to visiting high school students. writers/teachers and the scientific study of structure... Not register for the Academy if you are applying for a scholarship as well as in-class discussions will provide historical... Scholarships are available to a limited number of participants and cultural context necessary to critical analysis pointer ;:... Are available to a limited number of participants available to a limited number of participants @!: 0 ; cursor: pointer ; height: auto ; Live personalized with. ; cursor: pointer ; height: auto ; Live personalized consultation with experienced writers/teachers and,.... Funds. you havent already completed pre-registration, please go back up to How to Set up a Family Step! ; Live personalized consultation with experienced writers/teachers and { border-radius: 0 ;:... Back up to How to rice university summer camps 2023 up a Family Account Step 1 above text-align: left ; # upcoming_sections {... { 713-348-5648 | njg2 @, Jennifer Greene Previously offered as HUMA 311/LEAD 320 Greene offered...